powerpoint of the parts i was initially aiming to buy
document of all the live part updates
Taking apart old case:
Putting new parts inside:
Installed motherboard.
Installed case fan. Me and my friend had a bit of trouble installing it at the start, but we managed to screw it into the case.
Installed RAM.
Step by step installation of the CPU and CPU cooler.
Installed GPU.
A picture of my mate Will helping me build it.
powerpoint of parts i ended up buying
this is what my computer setup looks like at home.
my computer runs debian gnu/linux. i have it all customized to my liking. i use it for browsing the internet, hosting my jellyfin instance, video editing and gaming.
a while ago i b0rked my linux install due to me deleting an important package. i tried to fix it but i realised i couldn't so i just backed up my /etc and /home directory on a spare hard drive and reinstalled debian.
this was me trying to chown another hard drive i have in my pc that became read-only due to me having to reinstall debian. it didn't work but i then i figured the problem. i just had to unmount the drive and input the command "sudo ntfsfix -b -d /dev/sdXX" and then it became read-write again.
this photo shows my pc open because i had to fiddle with different hard drives to back up my data.